Our Universal Presence :

Terms & Conditions

All the charges involve the maintenance of the white-labeled application being hosted on the CloudSpace servers like regular refreshes.

No response situation: In case of Client’s no response for more than a week and several reminders from Company’s side, Company may withhold the development until further notice. In a scenario where the Client has failed to respond to the Company after two weeks, and the Company has sent reminders but there hasn’t been a response, the Company may go ahead to terminate the contract.

Payment terms:

  • You’re only going to pay the starting amount, which is non-refundable.
  • 18% GST will be included in the above-mentioned price (taxes will be computed for Indian customers as well).
  • Renewal in case of plan expiry: Renewal in case of plan expiry:
  • During plan expiration, standard costing will be applied as per the choice between plans that the client will choose from the then available ones.


  • The due date for delivering the solution is 10-12 working days.
  • Please note: The timeline will be effective from the day of the answer determination when the client speaks all the requirements.

Use of Services:

Please be informed that the acceptance e of any services you are using on our Site means that you accept these terms and conditions. Consent to be bound by these terms is both on your own behalf and on behalf of your company or organization in case you are the employee or the representative, and “you” hereby deemed to refer to you and your employer jointly and severally. if you are an employee, contractor or otherwise using or subscribing to the services by or on behalf of a corporate entity, organization or any other third-party entity, you represent and warrant to us that :

  • you are an adult of legal age in your country
  • you are of full mental and sexual capacity, authority and ability to accept this agreement on behalf of the entity
  • such a entity will be bound by and will comply with all the terms and conditions and obligations relevant in this agreement. We will not stop here, given that the bitstream and definitions are still in the process of improvement. Either, we may terminate, as well as, suspend, or modify the Services, no matter whether, in general, or only with you, as we use, from time to time regardless of cause and notice. The Services we offer could comprise anything from deleting entire pieces of content to using our discretion to remove all data from our system at any point. The contents of this website including all the documents, images, text and details are copyrighted materials.

Rights and Limitations:

You shall not exploit the Services or the Software for commercial use whatsoever without any consideration in connection with the business interests other than your own.Except as may be expressly permitted by us, you may authorize expressly in writing, you will not, and will not permit anyone else to

  • store, copy, modify, distribute, or resell any of the information; audio, visual, and audio visual works, or other content made available on our Services (collectively, “Service Content”) or compile or collect any Service Content as part of a database or other work;
  • use any automated tool (e.g., robots, spiders) to access or use our Services or to store, copy, modify, distribute, or resell any Service Content;
  • rent, lease, or sublicense your access to our Services to another person;
  • use any Services or Service Content for any purpose except for your own internal use
  • circumvent or disable any digital rights management, usage rules, or other security features of our Services
  • use our Services in a manner that overburdens, or that threatens the integrity, performance, or availability of, our Services;
  • remove, alter, or obscure any proprietary notices (including copyright and trademark notices) on any portion of our Services or any Service Content.

Restricted Areas of The Services:

For some sections, such as the account management part, we may ask users to log in by providing a password or access codes so that only authorized persons can obtain inside information (“Password-Protected Areas”). In case you get authorization to use the Password-Protected Areas, you completely agree with the rules that all the responsibility for the password safety is yours and you have to inform us immediately if the password is lost, stolen, or disclosed on purpose or accidentally to an unauthorized third party. It should be understood that you are the person liable for any activities which take place under your account even if it is not you who is undergoing activities. You undertake to inform us the moment you know, or believe to know, that any breach of memory has taken place in relation to your password or to our Services. In all cases of any third-party application, which is in conflict with our system, your account will be banned.

Confidential Information:

You shall not leak to any third party that is not thoroughly related to the Services and not use for any purpose other than the proper use of the Services any Confidential Information you have obtained from the Contracting Parties under the agreement and in connection with the Services without first getting the Contracting Parties’ prior written permission. “Confidential Information” shall stand for any such data and words, not meant for the public, those that tell about our intelligence, development and business operations performed in the past, at the present moment or in the future, the information related to the services, development, inventions, procedures, plans, financial performance, customers and suppliers lists, projections and forecasts. You shall assure that you will only pass the awareness about Personal Information to those of your employees who are already entitled to the reasonableness for proper use of these Services, as prescribed by these Terms. You shall acknowledge liability for any damage that might be incurred or inflicted by any activity of your employees who might breach these conditions. You agree to protect the Confidential Information with the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of caution, to ensure that unauthorized disclosure or use of Confidential Information is not violated as keenly as when you secure your own proprietary information.

The aforementioned limitations shall not apply to Confidential Information which you can demonstrat

  • was in your possession before the disclosure of this sentence, unless you have immediately made this fact known after disclosure;
  • this information was public as at the time of disclosure or later was disclosed into public domain with no breach of confidentiality undertaking;
  • it (the Confidential Information) was disclosed by a third party without any breach of confidentiality;
  • It is only the Confidential Information of the two of the above mentioned alternatives that shall be excluded from the scope of the restrictions on use and disclosure that are described in the Terms.

License To Use Our Services:

By these terms, we give you a license, which is limited and not exclusive, non-transferable and not for reselling or redistribution of our Service, for your internal use only. Your application of our Services is narrowed down by all terms and conditions described in these Terms. Other than continuous facts and those copyrights tucked away, this is the only legal license that we will be able to offer to you. Our Services are protected in accordance with the Agreed upon intellectual property law, which include United States Copyright Law and international accords. Except as otherwise explicitly provided in these Terms or as may be expressly permitted by applicable law, you will not, and will not permit or authorize any third-party to:

    • copy, customize, translate, enhance, disassemble, decompile or create derivative work from any of our services;
    • but not rent, lease or sublicense access to any of our services
    • and finally, avoid or disable any security or technological feature or measure of our services.

The payable amount in the tier prices as well as the phone charges will be charged to your credit card holder and you authorize the card issuer to direct (or billing agent us) to pay any amounts on this tariff until you or we cancel or terminate your tier. In addition, if the payment is not received from the issuer of your credit card, you have to pay all of the amount that is due upon demand. It is your obligation to confide your exact, complete and up to date billing and credit card information during the process. You agree to pay any applicable sales, use and other taxes, and all applicable export and tariff fees, and duties, and similar charges (other than income tax related), and any associated penalties and interest on grant of access rights hereunder, or related services. It is your sole responsibility to pay any taxes imposed on payments made to us.

Content and Liability Disclaimer:

We do not authorize any errors and faults which might be available but keep the right to make corrections without notice. For this reason, we do not guarantee an up-to-date, accurate and/or exhaustive provision of all information on the Website and shall not be liable for any incorrect information that might be provided through this channel. The only content we will use is the customers’ names and other relatively relevant aspects we will only use on our website and in emails. WE MAKE NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN ANY WAY, IN RELATION TO ANY INFORMATION (INCLUDING SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES) THAT ARE PROVIDED ON ANY OF OUR WEBSITES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. While certain jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, the fact that the above exclusion may not apply to you gives them greater flexibility.

Under no circumstances we shall have any liability for any loss or liability whatsoever and in the event we are liable for direct, special, moral, consequential or incidental damages, or for the loss of profits, loss of revenue or loss of use, cost of replacement goods, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use any of our website. This includes cases where claims or costs incurred are caused by an act or an omission of a person, entity, or third party attributable to the website or contents of our Internet site. Such cases include transactions involving parties who use or rely on the documents on our Web pages (including all documents, pictures, and third-party information displayed on the website).

Pricing Policy:

All Invoices are to be made only in USD or INR only. Invoice will be sent for actual services used and will be invoiced on the 1st of every calendar month to an email address registered. Modes of payment accepted are debit/credit cards and it will be auto-debited at the beginning of every month. Nevertheless, if the other payment option fails to avail a proper credit or debit card then, they can pay through any other means which may include like or paypal. Hence to begin with, if the payment is done via an INDIAN customer through ‘PayTM’ the amount shall be converted from USD to INR as per currency conversion rate applicable at the time of the transaction and taxes, being INDIAN government levied at that time shall be excluded. Registration fee is free of cost.

You will be asked to furnish the credit/debit card details and authorize us to charge such credit/debit card for all services subject to your confirmation. All indicated fees do not include the other taxables, such as taxes, levies, duties, etc., of any species of government foreseeable by any jurisdiction (e.g., value added, sales, use, or withholding taxes), plus anything else that can be assessed by any jurisdiction in the world, and that is collectively referred to as “Taxes”.

Moreover, a series of agreements has been signed with the purpose of environmental conservation. If you have deferred any payment for up to 30 days or more (or up to 10 days overdue if you have authorized us to charge to your credit card) without any previous arrangements, our business policy may, without limiting our other rights and remedies, require all our unpaid obligations under such agreements to be paid immediately or at least 30 days overdue (or 10 days overdue if you We will provide You once with a 6 days’ notice, Your account is overdue.

Filing a Complaint

If a person decides to file a complaint, WisewayTec will try to find an amicable solution and find an agreement between the user and us if the person is not satisfied with the service provided. Dissolution is that point when we realize it is time to call it quits. If you are going to file a petition, we invite you to get in touch with us prior to having a lawsuit outlined. You are welcome to file complaints with the Ombudsperson, only if we are not able to bring a happy ending between the two sides.

Timely Payments

A contract is not recognized as void in its entirety if there are no identified / agreed upon payments involved, or they are not stated clearly. Timely communication from the client: Please be advised that the Disclaimer makes the Agreement between the User and WisewayTech free from the influence of the Terms of Use. The information submitted by the client must come in a timely manner to the dedicated successful finish of the project.

Wisewaytech will not bear any liability for the project being incomplete because of miscommunication, or no communication, though this happens. According to clause 5 of the contract, WisewayTec is not bound to keep commitments relating to delivery and/or refund if the client fails to provide the complete information/scope of the project at the initializing stage. WisewayTec only gives compensation for delay of delivery under a special agreement signed beforehand, shaping a penalty clause for delay in delivery

Eligibility for Refund

We are a responsible organization that applies professional or sectoral approaches to meet a client’s specific requirement, ensuring its delivery based on our terms of proposals. Nevertheless, take into consideration that the case has been through a process of dispute resolution, refund claims will be taken into account accordingly for each service for which we will outline in a detailed description of services linked to our Terms of Use for each service.

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